Co-production agreements

The ICAA (The Film and Audiovisual Arts Institute), dependent on the Spanish Ministry of Culture, signs and handles co-production agreements between Spanish and foreign companies in order to facilitate shootings.
Between 2013 and 2023, 573 feature films were co-produced with foreign countries.

What are international co-productions?

They are films co-produced with foreign companies, regulated by the applicable international agreements, or, in the absence thereof, by the general norms stipulated in the Film Law Regulations (Law 55/2007, of 28th December on Films).

Why co-produce with Spain?

Co-productions regulated by international agreements are considered national productions, and therefore access to funding is the same as for entirely national productions.

Public funding in Spain

Audiovisual co-productions regulated by international agreements yet which are considered national, are entitled to the following benefits:

  • ICAA financial aid for creation, production and promotion purposes.
  • Tax deductions for investments in film and audiovisual productions.

For further details of the characteristics of this public funding or if you would like to find out more about how to co-produce in Spain, visit the following link to the Spanish Ministry of Culture.

Recomendamos ponerse en contacto con el ICAA en caso de dudas (Tlf: 917 01 70 00 / Dirección: Plaza del Rey, nº 1, Madrid) o con la oficina de Spain Film Commission.

Public funding in Spain

There are two types of agreements, multilateral and bilateral. You can consult the list of agreements signed and in force between Spain and other countries at the following link of the Spanish Ministry of Culture.