Co-production agreements

Co-production agreements

The ICAA (the Film and Audiovisual Arts Institute) which is dependent on the Spanish Ministry of Culture, subscribes to and manages co-production agreements in order to facilitate shooting arrangements between Spanish and foreign companies.

There have been 560 feature length films co-produced with foreign countries between 2005 and 2015.

What are international co-productions?

International co-productions are films created in joint production with foreign companies, which are governed by applicable international agreements, or in their absence, by the general rules set out by legal film regulations.

Why embark on a joint production with Spain?

Co-productions governed by international agreements are considered to be national productions, which means that the access to funding is the same as it would be for productions which are just national.

Funding in Spain

Audiovisual co-productions that are regulated by international agreements and as such, considered to be national, can benefit from:

  • Financial assistance from the ICAA for creation, production and promotion.
  • Tax rebates for investment in film and audiovisual productions.

For more information on the contributions and requirements in order to co-produce with Spain please visit this ICAA link.

We recommend contacting the ICAA if you have any questions (Tel. 91 701 70 00 / Plaza del Rey, num 1, Madrid) or the Spain Film Commission office.

Co-Production Agreements

There are two types of agreement, multilateral ones and bilateral ones. Below is a list of the current valid agreements:


- Latin America: Co-production Filming Agreement Document / Protocol / Regulations

- Ibero-America Agreement for the integration of Ibero-American filming

- European Union European agreement on bilateral film co-production


- Germany - Argentina - Austria - Brazil - Canadá - China - Cuba

- France - India - Ireland - Israel - Italy - Morocco - Mexico

- New Zealand - Portugal - Puerto Rico - Russia - Tunisia - Venezuela